Monday, July 27, 2009

Please help me with my hair!!!?

I natuarally have curly/wavey hair. I straighten it almost everyday, and it gets dry a lot on the tips. I always straighten my bangs to the side, it it just looks dumb. Then sometimes I will let my hair dry curly, but it drys frizzy. Its hard to explain...but nevertheless, I was going to get my hair trimmed, or cut and I wanted a cute style. Im not sure what to get though. My hair is 3 inches above my belly button in the back, and about 6 inches above my belly button in the front. I have long layers, and many people mistake me for Miley Cyrus. Its very annoying, so I want to get away from it. But I dont want to cut my hair too much, I want cute bangs to be thicker, and cute.....Please help me with pictures....THANKS!!!!!!!!!:)

Please help me with my hair!!!?

maybe ur front part length is good for ur back

get side bangs and layers

miley cyrus is awsome

and if u really do not like ur hair, cut it shorter

Please help me with my hair!!!?

wELL my hair is the same way yours is. go to the salon and look at thier picture books. You can get your hair layered and for the frizziniess just run some gell thru it should pull it down or iron it thats what i do. . straitin your whole head and then it makes it easier to style

Please help me with my hair!!!?

Here aer a few ideas for bang wise cutting. Itsa bit hard to know what would really look good on you without a photo of you. But here are a few i thought were cute

Please help me with my hair!!!?

I used to staighten my hair every day now its dry and dead I waited and waited untill the deadness grew out and i realised this is me and this is who i am and it doesnt matter what my hair is like its that my boyfriend and friends and family love me for who I am!!!!!!!!!!!! READ ME

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