my hair used to be long, thick and kinda curly!
everyone envied my hair!
this summer i started an *extreme* diet (only salad per day) and when school started my hair became veryy thin...everytime i brush it , my brush is full of hair, and when i take a shower the same thing happens!
i decided to cut it really short (victoria becham style) and wait till it grows back!
what happened to my hair??
will it ever grow back?
p.s i started straighten it at age 13 1/ i'm 16
Why is my hair falling off???????????? plzz read?
I think it's a combination of two factors:
1. Diet (as you well know). It's one thing to diet if you are obese, but I sense that you only see a fat girl in the mirror, and that no one else sees you as overweight. This is an issue you need to resolve on your own, but I think you know the answer. Trust me, when you are 40, you will look like your Mother, so get used to it. It's genetics. Pretty is how you feel about yourself.
2. Stress - What is bothering you (we know...) - identify the root cause. More importantly, how do you deal with it? Communication, exercise, FOOD (in moderation),and medical supervision.
You know what to do - be brave and give yourself the respect you deserve. You're worth it.
Why is my hair falling off???????????? plzz read?
It's your diet. It's obviously too extreme. You need more calories. Take some multi-vitamins and/or eat better. Good luck.
Why is my hair falling off???????????? plzz read?
It sounds like it could be malnutrition or a deficiency of some sort. I would go to a doctor to make sure all of your levels are good. And, don't do any more extreme dieting. It may work in the short term but it reeks havok on your body and may cause problems in the long term. You are much better off to eat several small meals a day that are balanced.
Why is my hair falling off???????????? plzz read?
it can be a cause from several things.
1) stress
2) the hair care products you use are not good for your hair.
3) the diet took a toll on your hair which is common
you shouldn't be on extreme diets at this age. just regular activity everyday is good enough to stay healthy. Most likely the diet you've chosen has caused your hair to fall out.
Why is my hair falling off???????????? plzz read?
That kind of diet is a kinda crash diet so looks like it really inmpacted ur body make sure u drink milk and eat calcum and u will be think and curly in no time
Why is my hair falling off???????????? plzz read?
You *extreme* diet is what is happening.
If you aren't eating right.. (one salad a day is called starving.. try getting help.- I'm not trying to be a b*tch or anything, but that isn't healthy.) then you can pretty much say bye-bye to your hair.
If you want to lose weight.. do it the right way.
Why is my hair falling off???????????? plzz read?
When you are on an extreme diet, which lacks essential vitamins and minerals, than it is not unusual to lose your hair. My sister-in-law was on an extreme, rigid diet and the same thing happened to her. Once she started a more sensible diet, eg. all of the basic food groups, but in moderation, she was fine and her hair grew back just as thick as ever. You need protein in your diet not just salad. Eat whole grains, lots of fruit and vegetables, and plenty of water. You may want to start taking a multi-vitamin every day. Once you have your diet back in balance your metabolism will re-set itself and you will start to see the differences in your hair. Also strong chemicals such as you use to straighten your hair, on top of a strict diet will also contribute to hair breakage and loss. VO5 hot oil treatments will work wonders for dry damaged hair.
Why is my hair falling off???????????? plzz read?
Hair is protein, when you started the diet your body stopped producing that protein because your diet lacked the proteins needed to make hair.
Once you are back to a normal diet with the proper amounts of protein your hair will grow back. Also the stress of loosing your hair this way may add to it, so don't stress and just let it grow back by keeping a wellbalanced diet.
Good luck!
Why is my hair falling off???????????? plzz read?
your diet went to extrem
you need more calcium and stuff like that
Why is my hair falling off???????????? plzz read?
It seems that the answer is your diet. there are a couple other possibitlies that could cause this but looks like the most obvious answer seems to be your diet.
you should go back to just eating what you used to eat. eat what you are eat. dont starve yourself. fruits, veggies, little sweets here and there...just come up with a health balanced nutrition diet and you will be fine! but eat more than just a sald per day.
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