Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lost curls and hay for hair after dye: Advice and Help!?

I dyed my hair a lot over the past year. 2 weeks ago I wanted to go back to my natural blonde from brown and went to a new salon got it all highlighted. The color is beautiful but it looks awful and like hay. Did this stylist use a different or cheaper brand of color? She told me to wear it curly for a few weeks before straightening so I wouldn't damage (I had beautiful curls like Keri Russell). However when I tried to scrunch my hair it lays deads, like hay, knotty with no curls just product and wet. Since I can't curl it and it has this yucky straw look I want to straighten it but not kill it. What should I do, I want my curls back?! I've been trying to grow it long but is it a good idea to cut it short so it can grow more naturally, what products to use, etc, how to style it? Thanks!!

Lost curls and hay for hair after dye: Advice and Help!?

Ok, dying your hair a lot is soooooooooooo damaging and can easily have your hair turn to a straw like texture. So what you should do is buy a really intense conditioner. Go to a hair salon and tell then your problem, ask for something that will fix it. I know that this same thing happened to me and I used a really super intese conditioner substance and it really made it better. Hope this helps a bit!

Lost curls and hay for hair after dye: Advice and Help!?

I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It seems that your hair has been over-processed and needs time to readjust to its natural pH balance. Going lighter is never good for your hair, so take the time to do some conditioning treatments, and don't do any other chemical treatments for a good month or two at the least!

The best thing to do is get the stressed parts cut off gradually, because the longer you leave it, the more it will be damaged. I understand you want long hair again, so take it easy with the styling for now, get conditioning treatments done, and get regular trims and no more highlighting for the time being.

Don't fuss too much with trying to straighten it. That only makes it worse. You could try fluff drying it and setting it on large hot rollers until they are cool. Take the rollers out and finger style until you are happy with the look.

The curls will come back.

Hope this helps!

Lost curls and hay for hair after dye: Advice and Help!?

Well first you need to start conditioning it with moisture and protein. The protein is to make it strong again and if used to much can make it dried out. So I say use that once a week and the moisture treatment twice a week. You will notice a difference. Get it trimmed if you haven't already and lay off the straightening for a while. She probably used a high developer and it got fried. she should have explained to you that going blonde after being brown is a process and can be damaging. You see color can't remove color only bleach so you have to higtlight and bleach can be very damaging. Try using M.O.P. Products for their protein and moisture. Also make sure you are using GOOD shampoo. Good Luck!

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